Thursday, November 12, 2020

Toy Throwback

One of the more memorable moments of my childhood was that time when I was able to buy a toy using my own money.

As a kid, I had wonderful parents and grandparents who would happily buy me toys. So, if there was a toy that caught my eye, they would gladly make sure that I'd go home with it.

But as a grade schooler, part of me wanted to buy toys using my own money. For me, it was an accomplishment to be able to provide for myself, even in the mundane realm of toys. Because of that, I'd stash away a few pesos a day from my daily allowance, in pursuit of that dream of buying a toy using my own money.

And that dream eventually became a reality. After saving P20 (don't laugh, that was a big amount back in the 80s), I went to Gift Gate in Quezon Avenue and bought this Lego toy.

It was Ricky Raccoon, a character from the Fabuland series of Lego. Fabuland was their line of toys where all the characters were animals, and I've always wanted to buy Ricky Raccoon because of 2 reasons: 1.) my fascination with raccoons, and 2.) he had a scooter - another thing on my wish list.

Needless to say, it was a proud moment for me. The moment I held that small box in my hand, it felt like reaching "adulthood" and buying things on my own. Of course, I kept that toy as long as I could.

After finding that photo online, it made me want to scour the internet to check if someone's selling the same Fabuland Ricky Raccoon toy.

Maybe there is someone. Excuse me while I check.

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