Monday, August 06, 2018

Southern Comfort

There's always a warm, comfy feeling when you get together with relatives in a different place.

Then, when those relatives are awesome folks who you're meeting for the first time in your life, there's an added feeling of wonder and delight.

That's the feeling we got last Saturday when we met our Cebu-based relatives. Dad has been long trying to arrange this meeting, and with Alejandra in town, we thought it was the best time to do it. Not only will we meet them, they'll also get to meet their granddaughter from BCN.

Needless to say, the evening was filled with great, home cooked food, and even wonderful conversation. It was such a thrill to meet Titos, cousins and nieces for the first time! I didn't know we had uber cool relatives in Cebu!

There's always a warm, comfy feeling when you get together with relatives for the first time in a different place. And I'm sure this won't be the last.

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