Monday, March 14, 2022

Grand dame

One of the great things about these reunions are the photos that are shared between cousins.

Esther told me that she found a lot of old family photos in Tita Evelyn's house. Since these were old-school printed photos, she scanned some, she took photos of the photos for some others, and she showed them to me while we were having our impromptu "house party."

Among the photos that really made me smile was this photo of my Grandmother, Lola Dita, when she was younger.

This photo is actually framed at their condo in Sitges. I saw this when I visited that place more than a decade ago. Looking at it back then, it was clear that Lola was a very classy, elegant woman. And that's how I always remember her, someone who's always well-dressed, well-mannered, and classy.

She was truly a dame.

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