Saturday, June 13, 2020

That's Fresh!

Clean, pristine and unassuming scents have always captured my olfactory fancy.

In a survey that was given to me ages ago, I listed "freshly-laundered bedsheets" as one of my all-time fave smells. It goes up there along with "freshly-opened balikbayan boxes."

That's why in terms of cologne or perfume, I've always gravitated to those unassuming scents that smell like soap, or fabric conditioner, or newly-ironed t-shirts. That's why "Clean" is and will always be my top pick. Their "Cotton" series (Warm Cotton and Cool Cotton) is still part of my repertoire. When they discontinued "Cotton T-Shirt," it was such a bummer for me.

Last March, when we had to buy liquid hand soap for the house, the Watsons branch I went to only had one scent left. It was this very plain, very clinical and very aseptic variant called "Fresh Clean."

When we eventually got to using it, I was just flabbergasted!

The scent was AWESOME! It was pristine and unassuming - just the way I like it! The scent was very mild, very quiet, and very clean. Heck, if they had a shower gel that had this scent, I'd buy it in bulk! They don't have it yet, but I'm hoping they will have it soon.

After this discovery, I'm not buying any other variant except this. Well, if I can help it.

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