Thursday, October 31, 2019


If you’ve noticed, there were gaps in my blogs.

There were months when nothing was written, no activity tracked, and there was just silence.

Simple explanation: I got sick.

And because I was sick, I couldn’t write. My focus had to be on recovering rather than wordsmithing. Now here’s the rub. When you’ve been absent for writing for a time, you ask yourself whether it’s worthwhile to go back to writing or just enjoy the free time that non-writing accords you.

Then I thought, this month is the tipping point. It’s now or never.

Because I’m a journalist at heart, I CHOSE to write.

And as we enter a new month tomorrow, a new chapter of writing begins.

I’m excited about it! So should you! (Harhar)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

L-elementary, my dear Watson

You’d think that “Grilled” would be a simple word to spell.

Apparently not.

Proofreader, please.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blog, Interrupted.

We interrupt this blog’s regular scheduled programming for some internal realigning...

Programming will commence soon.