Wednesday, November 28, 2018

She's Golden!

Growing up, if there was comment about me and Ate Bullet that people kept on repeating, it's that we look exactly alike.

Several people said that if Ate Bullet were a guy, he's look like me. Conversely, if I became a girl, I'd look exactly like her.

They say it's our bushy eyebrows. Some say it's our eyes. Others say the similarity comes from our tendency to smile a lot.

But aside from our physical similarities, another thing I noticed growing up is that we're also alike in certain traits.

She's very creative, and she expresses it through her cuisine and her cake decorating skills. She's into traveling, and she cherishes and chronicles every trip she makes with her family. She's into fashion, and has a keen eye for clothes and what suits her best. She also has a penchant for shopping and finding bargains.

On the flipside, Ate has certain qualities that I don't. (And wish I do.) She's very patient and kind. She's extroverted and can talk to anyone, anytime. She's an intrepid, go-getter, and works hard to get something once she puts her mind to it. No wonder she's very popular among her circle - whether it's in business, school or her friends.

These are the same qualities that make us gravitate towards each other. The same qualities that make me glad and proud to have her as my sister.

And on her golden day today, I wish her all the happiness and blessings in the world. Because she's a blessing to others and has made a lot of people happy.

Happy Birthday, Ate!

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