Monday, August 22, 2016

Have a guava

My love affair with guava started out at a very young age.

There was a guava tree in our house in Morato. There were guava trees in Lolo Iking's beach house in Bacacay, and in Lolo Doring's house in Malinao.

Because there were so many guava trees around, we'd often find ourselves noshing on guavas in the afternoon. We'll pick them straight from the tree, wash them in the nearest faucet, and snack on them with such gusto.

I still remember the satisfaction I get whenever I took a bite on a ripe guava, with it's green exterior and soft, pink interior. I also remember the frustration whenever we'd get stuck with those really hard ones.

From then on, I've always had a soft spot for guava.

Imagine my thrill when I found out that my favorite juice joint, Juice Avenue, now offers Guava Juice! I drop by Juice Avenue almost everyday, and usually order ripe mango, watermelon and guava. But on today's juice run, I saw this sign and my stomach jumped for joy.

Verdict? Well, Juice Avenue can do no wrong. Just like their other juices, this tasted all-natural and super delish.

Now, I have another flavor to add to my rotation.

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